REbuild of engine

Rebuild of Leyland 600 engine

For several years Ruby's engine had been difficult to start, especially on cold days. This is typical of a diesel engine that is suffering from a lack of compression. This is usually caused by the piston rings failing to grip the cylinder liners sufficiently, which means that the compressed air escapes down the cylinder and into the crank case.

Ruby has also suffered from heavy breathing i.e. steam & exhaust gases coming out of the crank-case breather pipe. This was caused by coolant water getting into the crank case, from two broken injector sleeves, warn piston rings & a crack in the engine block itself.

So the engine was stripped-down & re-built using the block & crank case from a donor Leyland 600 engine (from a Leyland Leopard). The top (heads) & bottom (sump-end) of Ruby's own Leyland 600 engine were in a good condition, so were re-used.

Below are a series of pictures that show the old engine being stripped-down & the rebuilt engine in place. 

She now starts quickly & no longer breathes like a steam engine. But still sounds absolutely fabulous!

View details of the Leyland O.600 engine.

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